More than a Bottle

Guardiamo sempre avanti. Perché ci piace seguire la nostra strada. Il nostro stile lascia spazio alla tua personalità. Il nostro impegno traccia la via verso la sostenibilità. E la nostra passione per la ricerca continua a trovare nuovi materiali e soluzioni per migliorare l'esperienza Smartshake.

Tutti i prodotti Smartshake sono testati per rispettare le normative sulla salute e sicurezza più rigide e impegnative in tutto il mondo. I nostri prodotti sono privi di sostanze chimiche pericolose come BPA, BPS, BPF o DEHP, e i nostri stabilimenti di produzione in Cina rispettano le buone pratiche di produzione (Good Manufacturing Practice), ISO9001 e BSCI.

È semplicemente il nostro modo di fare le cose.


Our bioplastic can more precisely be called HDPE, and is made from sugar cane plants . When they grow, these plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, so the plastic has a much smaller carbon footprint than traditional plastics.


The biggest advantage of using glass is that it’s food safe, sustainable and easy to recycle, again and again. Plus it’s easy to clean and doesn’t stain. To recycle your Smartshake products made from glass, just put them with your other glass recycling.


Stainless steel is a material that lasts a very long time, doesn’t rust or corrode, and that can be recycled again and again. To recycle your Smartshake products made from stainless steel, just put them with your other metal recycling.


Trees for the future

Since 1989, Trees for the Future has helped thousands of communities in Africa, Asia and Central America through training, fostering leadership, and planting nearly 65 million trees. The organisation works with local farmers, engineers, volunteers and community leaders to successively increase the positive effect on the environment and families. Since 2008, we are committed to not only minimizing our carbon footprint, but also helping the work with ending hunger and poverty.